Shag Jam Berlin

Shag Jam Berlin

23 23 people viewed this event.

Cafe Fincan has a beautiful room of 55m2 with a nice dancing floor. We will have a variety of shaggy music with different tempos for you to dance to 🙂

If you want to take a break or want to hang out you can go for a coffee/drink or some snacks in the entrance room of the cafe.

This is an event open for all shag dance levels, no matter if you are shagging very actively or if your shag is a bit rusty. Be aware that this is an open shag dance event, not any kind of dance workshop nor class.

In case you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed with a person or any incident, please come to us at any time!

We are also happy to receive your feedback after the event 🙂

This is a donation based event, which will support the Café Fincan. Pay as much as you want or what feels appropriate.

Date and time : September, 28th 2024 15:00-18:00h

We are looking forward to seeing you there and to shagging with you!

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Date And Time

2024-09-28 @ 15:00 to
2024-09-28 @ 18:00

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